Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letter from the Edgars dated 22 July 1945

95 Sandgate Lane
Albion W 2

Dear Mr and Mrs Noble & family.

Well I must say I have been a long time writing to you. But as you know we have been to see Pat & had a lovely time. He was looking very thin & miserable when we arrived but brightened up a lot & looked better when we left to come home. He had no friends in Townsville to visit & said he missed us terribly & was just waiting for the day to come when he could see you all once again. It was a long train journey for us two nights & one day's travelling but we were very comfortable & all enjoyed ourselves. Gayl had never been in a train before & is wanting to go in it again & see her boyfriend Pat. I think the week we left to come home Pat left there also. We have written to him but have had no reply yet. I guess he will be nearer the Islands, Biack or some where there abouts. We have very few of your boys here now & the place seems empty. The English boys have taken over a lot of these ware houses & camps.

While we were with Pat he gave us several of your letters to read & it was telling him all about Bob. Well we all hope he is better by this & in the best of health again.

How is John & Molly & not forgetting Kathryn & Alex. I would like Kathryn to write if she has time. And now for yourself & Mr Noble. I hope you are both well.
We have all had bad colds & coughs & the weather is enough to give anyone anything. It has been very cold & plenty of winds. Today is the warmest day for a few weeks, but it seems to get cold again at night. & is very cold first thing in the morning you feel like staying in bed.

Tell Molly I am sending her another photo of Gayl taken when she was 3 yrs & has her dolly with her that she sent at Christmas time. I have had some coloured & they have not made the doll's dress blue enought(sic) & have left out the red so I am taking them back tomorrow & get them to alter the mistake & when they are finished I will post it right away. The rest of the photo was perfect so they may just at(sic) well do it properly as I have to pay enough for them. It is very expensive now for them.

We have been trying to get another film for the camera but it seems as though there is still a big demand for them & you just have to be at the counter when they are being sold.

Are you still rationed with goods. Our rationing is a bit better this time. On all winter clothing the coupons have been reduced. But butter tea & sugar are the same & the meat has been cut again. But we seem to get enough in everything so far. Our shops look a lot brighter now the blackout is lifted & they are selling things we have not been able to get for many months.

Well Mrs Noble I think I have run out of news & I know I should have a lot more to tell you but my cold is not so good & I think I will be going off to bed soon.
Give my love to all & write soon. Good luck & good health.

From your sincere friends
Henry, Dorothy, & Gayl
& Mr & Mrs Edgar

Note: Envelope postmarked 23 July 1945 12:30pm, Brisbane, Queensland, with stamp from Australia. Envelope addressed to Mr & Mrs R J Noble, 323 Westover Avenue, Norfolk 7, Virginia, USA.

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