Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letter from Isabel Bolton dated 28 January 1916

My dearest Bob,

I was
awfully sorry you
went away thinking
I was angry at
you. You know
Bob I expected you
down and so did
poor mama, she
made prune pie and
cookies for you,
so when you said
you couldn't come
I was just the
least bit hurt, But
afterwards I could have
killed myself, because
I know you went
away thinking all
kinds of things. You
aught to know I
wouldn't get angry
at you for anything
just for a moment
maybe but that is
all. But anyhow
you should have
come the night before
or at least phoned
so Mama wouldn't
have all that fussing
for nothing. But
then you, are just
forgetful just don't
think right now
you have so much
trouble and me, and
every thing makes it
worse. I am so far
away it makes things
inconvenient for
you to come down
here all the time and
we must not look
at it from a birds
eye view point You
know I am selfish
and want you all the
time. But of course you
have your work; your
sister (whom you aught
to see more often, and lots
of things that are of
more import than
I am. I am cranky
sometimes and so
nice at others, I am
never the same, like
you, I can't see why
God cursed me with
such a disposition
as I have. But
Bob I do hope you
get out of your trouble
alright, You should
have presents of mine
and not let anyone
get the best of your
temper Of course we
women flare up and
thats all it amounts
to but men should
guard themselves and
learn to hold their
temper. You see how
foolish you were and
the money it cost
you too, But I know
just how you feel I
think I would have
done the same things
myself, one hates
anybody to think they
are afraid, So I
suppose that was
your case. I am
making another
pillow It is the
American Flag. So
I have something to
keep me busy a
couple of days. The
time you are gone is
so long, I like some
embroidery to do it
makes the time pass
quicker. Papa is in
the city seeing about
Eunice's trouble.

You said you might
not come back, But
I guess you will
alright, the man
wouldnt have the
nerve to prosecute
you any further
after having paid
so much to him for
the Hospital and
his wages too. I was
going to send you
a piece of prune pie
but Mama said you
wouldn't get it before
you sailed.

(Friday afternoon)
I just came back
from the post office
and was glad to here
from you, I had only
expected to get the
pictures, but much
to my surprise a
nice letter was there
Bob You are just a
dear, and also a
postal from Mrs --

What an awful surpation(?)
it must have been to
you to wake up and
find a man in your
room. Be careful
dear maybe that man
has someone on the
boat to - get
even with you. Keep
your door locked
some night he may
come in and do
you some harm. I
was angry when
you said about not
being hurt anybody
would (?), I doubted
your word or some-
thing like that, It
was funny you had
no scratches and
lucky too, because if
your face was marked
it would be terrible,
It is bad enough for
me to be scared and
marked as I am with
out you, and you say
You think you will
loose me -- You mean
after we get married
You'll wish you had
someone else who was
not scared the way
I am. But it was
to happen so I am
satisfied and just as
happy as I would
be without her. So
don't think I'd not
like you just the same
if you were scared
because I would.
And it dont make
any difference how
much trouble comes
to you. I'll stand by
you and wait, just
believe me and don't
think about the
loosing part at all.

We caught two
little mice last night
one was a little baby
and the other was
a big one. Mama is
not feeling very well
to day -- neither am I
I was sick all night
last night, Thank
Mrs Donovan for
the postal and all her

I would like to write
her a letter but I really
wouldnt know what
to say. Just tell her
I send my love anyway
I think the pictures
are very nice for such
a bad day. The one
where you, I, Ethel & Frank
are out in front is
very good. Eunice's
trial comes up today
But Papa is having
it remanded till next
month. I hope she
gets out alright.

The New Year brought
You and her a lot of
trouble. But lets hope
and pray befor the year
is gone that we will be
happier, May says she
hopes you will have
just as much good
luck as you are having
bad just now. Now
Bob I was awfully
pleased when you
said you took an
oath not to drink
and I hope you will
keep it always. Just
look at the ring your
mother gave you and
it will help you to be
a good boy. The boat
is bad luck to you
You have been there too
long People are like
that sometimes, If it
was not so long to
wait you could go
on the boat to Frisco
But the (?) it would
be sweet because I
know if you go on that
boat You wont go
out with anyone else
and you could rest
assured I wouldnt
either, Well dear I
must close now and
excuse the mistakes
and make out they
are kisses instead,
May & Mama, Papa,
Eunice & all send their
love to you and I send
my love, kisses and
every thing I got,
now be a good boy
for my sake and come
back safe to Your Kid 'Cis.



Photo of Ethel & Frank, Robbie & Isabel is likely photo contained in this correspondence.

References to New Year's and Eunice's trouble date this letter in Jan 1916.

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