Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letter from Kathryn Noble dated 28 February 1930

1523 Park Ave
Baltimore, Md

February 28, '30 [Friday]

Dear Darling Daddy,

We are are[sic] all so lonesome without you. I am going to tell you about the play our Girl Scouts was planning to give, just before you left. Mother said it was just wonderfully played.

I wish you could have seen Johnny laugh at the raggedy Ann Dolls. He just laughed and laughed his head off. I saw him from behind the stage, Bobby and Pat saw it at the last reharsel(sic) which was just the same as the one when we had all the people there. Our play was a sucsess(sic). I am sorry that you were not here when we held it.

I am going to send you a list of the players so you can almost picture it yourself as it was played. Mother said it was one of the best plays she had ever seen.

With love and 1,000,000 kisses
From Kathryn.

Mother wants to finish her letter on the bottom.

Note: This letter from Robert's daughter Kathryn was included with the 27 February 1930 letter from Robert's wife, also Kathryn.

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